The Top 5 Tax Issues Accounting Firms Face and How Tax Resolution Experts Can Help


As an accounting professional, you understand the complexities of tax-related matters and the significant challenges they present to your clients. However, even with the best efforts, some issues require specialized expertise. This is where tax resolution experts come in, offering solutions that can save time, reduce stress, and provide financial relief for your clients.

Understanding Tax Resolution

Tax resolution involves a range of services aimed at resolving issues with tax authorities, such as the IRS. These services include:

  • IRS Negotiations: Working with the IRS to settle tax debts and many times for less than the amount owed.
  • Penalty Abatement: Reducing or eliminating penalties assessed by the IRS.
  • Audit Representation: Providing professional representation during IRS audits.
  • Installment Agreements: Setting up payment plans for taxpayers who cannot pay their tax liabilities in full.
  • Offer in Compromise: Negotiating to settle a tax debt for less than the full amount owed.

Tax Issues Accounting Firms Face

  1. Unfiled Tax Returns
  2. Challenges and Consequences: Clients may fail to file returns due to various reasons, leading to mounting penalties, interest, and potential legal issues. The IRS can file substitute returns that often do not favor the taxpayer.
  3. How Tax Resolution Can Assist: Experts help clients prepare and file delinquent returns, negotiate with the IRS to minimize penalties, and develop a compliance plan to avoid future issues.
  4. Back Taxes and Outstanding Balances
  5. Impact of Unresolved Tax Debt: Unpaid tax debts can accumulate interest and penalties, leading to significant financial burdens and possible liens or levies on assets.
  6. Solutions Offered: Tax resolution specialists can negotiate installment agreements or offers in compromise, potentially reducing the total amount owed and arranging manageable payment plans.
  7. IRS Audits
  8. Stress and Complexity of Audits: Audits can be intimidating and time-consuming, requiring meticulous documentation and knowledge of tax law.
  9. Role of Tax Resolution: Professionals provide audit representation, preparing necessary documents, and communicating with the IRS on behalf of the client, ensuring a thorough and accurate defense.
  10. Penalties and Interest
  11. Financial Strain from Penalties and Interest: Accumulated penalties and interest can significantly increase a client’s tax liability, making it more difficult to settle.
  12. Strategies for Penalty Abatement: Tax resolution experts can request penalty abatement based on reasonable cause, negotiate interest reductions, and advise on compliance strategies to prevent future penalties.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: An accounting firm had a client with several years of unfiled tax returns. A tax resolution specialist helped prepare and file the returns, negotiated a reduced penalty, and set up a manageable installment agreement, saving the client thousands of dollars.

Case Study 2: A small business facing an IRS audit enlisted the help of a tax resolution expert. The specialist provided thorough documentation and representation, resulting in a favorable outcome with minimal adjustments and no penalties.

Benefits for Accounting Firms

  • Enhanced Client Satisfaction and Retention: By resolving complex tax issues efficiently, accounting firms can significantly improve client satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Increased Firm Credibility: Partnering with tax resolution experts enhances the firm’s reputation as a comprehensive service provider capable of handling all tax-related matters.
  • Expanded Service Offerings: Offering tax resolution services allows firms to attract new clients and provide a broader range of solutions to existing clients.


Tax resolution services offer invaluable support to accounting firms dealing with complex and challenging tax issues. By partnering with tax resolution experts, firms can ensure the best outcomes for their clients, enhance their service offerings, and boost their reputation in the industry. Contact us today at (323) 509-3356 to learn more about how we can assist you in providing top-tier tax resolution services to your clients.

Connect with Us

Contact us today at (323) 509-3356 to discuss how we can support your accounting firm with expert tax resolution services.

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